Counselling Psychotherapy For Individuals, Couples & Families

“Each cell in our body is revitalized by moments of social engagement. Connection to Nature is also restorative. Connecting to ourselves is also calming and restorative to our nervous system.”


I work with people presenting with a variety of difficulties including depression & anxiety, PTSD, and low self-esteem. These are all big umbrella terms yet in reality each person has their own unique life-story and set of difficulties. If we think about it – most of our problems are relational. It may look and feel like our difficulties are caused by external forces yet the suffering we experience is usually coming from our own inner dynamic.

Our current difficulties tend to stem from our learnt patterns of relating. These can include beliefs about our self, who others are and what we can expect from the world. We learn how to relate to our self and others in the same way as we learn our native language. The entire process is done out of conscious awareness. It is called implicit learning. We then continue to relate to others in this way – which inevitably leads to us to not getting the intimate connection that we are all yearning for.

The reality is that the cause is within us is. The good news is that we can establish a new supportive inner dynamic. We are capable of establishing a life-state in which we feel good about ourselves. This will then be reflected back to us by those around us and our environment generally.

Areas Of Expertise

I have a background in ‘general nursing’ as well as in ‘business to business marketing’. I have also worked in the arena of training in the area of nutrition and some other complementary therapies.

I embarked on a degree in psychology in 2010. I was introduced to Transactional Analysis (TA) in the second year of the degree and conducted a research study for my final year dissertation on the application of TA to everyday life. I was so impressed with the feedback from participants in this study that I embarked on a foundation course in TA.

This enabled me to develop an intervention for another research study that I was a part of. The results of this study also showed me that TA helped to empower people leading them to become happier and more satisfied. This inspired me to study TA further and to become a psychotherapeutic Counsellor and here I am.

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You may have heard of the Flight – Fight – Freeze responses. If you haven’t – they are the survival responses of our autonomic nervous

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