
The need to engage with a Depth Leadership Coach has emerged because we are in a new paradigm and we, as leaders, need to access and align to our higher consciousness and respond effectively to the crisis that we are in. If we do not - the ship we are on will go down. We can see from Laloux’s organisational levels that the teal organisations are operating at the highest level of evolution. These organisations are successful. They are successful because the people that they comprise are acting autonomously from Self and their innate human values. As the people flourish so will the organisation. The leader/s of the organisation have to be autonomous or Self-actualised (aligned with their true nature and innate humanity) in order to provide the containing and creative context for their team to be so. It comes out of your space.

This new blue-print of organisation has emerged through human insight and inherent humanistic values and principles. This type of thinking comes from the right-side of the human brain.  Intuition and Insight are feminine in nature.  Each human-being has both feminine and masculine qualities.   When we look at the Yin and Yang symbol, we see there is always Yin (the feminine) in the Yang (the masculine) and vice versa.   It is the right-brain hemisphere that provides the life-affirming context for creative and effective problem solving and within which living-systems thrive.

This process of evolution that humanity is currently in is one of consciousness.  We are in a process of becoming and expressing what we truly are – our full potential.  Maybe we had to discover what we were not in order to remember and to realise what we are.  We are an integral aspect of the Earth and the Natural environment and our individual and collective evolution is awakening to this reality. Nature is a living system and contained within her are many nested systems.   Giles Hutchins explains the significance of Self, Nature, and Regenerative Leadership for our future organisations in his books. Human beings are living systems each with multiple nested systems within us.  Even from a physiological perspective our body’s cells specialise and become organs.  Human-beings are the equivalent to the cells that make up the larger systems that we call organisations or society.  

In order to evolve our organisations and society leaders need to attend to their own internal evolution.  This is because the reality of life is that the inner world of our individual and collective psyche is reflected in the external environment. The orange machine-like organisations have been a reflection of our inner and collective psyche.  What is required is the restoration of the dynamic Life within each of us - for us to become Self-led and autonomous. This process of becoming conscious and Self-led is primary for transforming the current crisis. The current crisis in our world is a collective existential crisis.  In order to address the crisis effectively we need to address our own inner or personal existential crisis. 

Dive into the Depth

Using the wisdom of Dr Iain McGilchrist we now know that this process involves restoring the connection to and status of the right-brain hemisphere and all of its qualities. To do this we need to dive into the depths of our own internal system and re-emerge having reconnected with our innate Self. This is a golden opportunity to become a truly humanistic leader and to establish a truly humanistic world.  

Making the Quantum Leap by engaging in Depth Leadership Coaching

Ruth Cloherty

I would like to acknowledge your curiosity in exploring Depth Leadership Coaching and to welcome you - albeit virtually at the moment. Your presence is precious and of paramount significance for your own life and the lives of many others. Making the quantum leap into the unknown takes courage yet is probably the most worthwhile process you could engage in. What after all are we so afraid of? Is it even us that is afraid - or is it only a part of us? A part that Dr Iain McGilchrist refers to as the left-brain hemisphere. The part of us that’s function is to help us survive in the physical realm yet has been uncontained and therefore deluded in its perceived level of importance. We have been suffering from a case of mistaken identity. By identifying with this part of us we have thought that is all we were - only here to get and control the physical realm. In reality we are so much more and life can be so much richer and more deeply fulfilling.

I invite you to consider what your life is like right now: - What are your relationships like? Do you feel you are expressing your true potential? Are you living as the leader that you know that you are? If you sense that you want to live a more real life, align to your true nature and lead your organisation and or society successfully into the new paradigm I would encourage you to engage in Depth Leadership Coaching.

If you think you may like to do that with me I would be happy to explore what it is you wish to attend to and tell you more about how we would work together to achieve your goal. I have an eclectic perspective and am informed by psychology, transactional analysis (a holistic and systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change), polyvagal theory, neuroscience, Buddhist humanistic philosophy and much more. As well as having gained a deep knowledge of the human condition and our true nature I have attended to my own inner system over many years. This has enabled me to take my clients into the depths of their own system safely and effectively. I am aware that what flows into my consciousness when working with each individual client is not from my small self - it is a higher consciousness. This process-driven flow ensures the Depth Leadership Coaching sessions are value-creating as well as very efficient for you in achieving your goal . A lot more can be achieved in a shorter time-frame when higher consciousness guides your process of inner transformation to become Self-actualised or Self-led.