Other Therapeutic Interventions Provided

Grounding is helpful in calming the nervous system and reducing feelings of anxiety. It is also an important aspect for restoring and maintaining energy levels.

Counselling Psychotherapy In Action​

The focus of the sessions is based on what you want to achieve. In TA we work as a team and I will have agreed to work with you on your goal for therapy. Generally the sessions would involve you telling me about what is bothering you and me responding with the relevant questions and responses to help you find out the causes at play.


You may have heard of the Flight – Fight – Freeze responses. If you haven’t – they are the survival responses of our autonomic nervous system. Our survival responses run outside of our voluntary control and have an inbuilt bias towards danger. This means that when they have been triggered they will not allow-in any cues of safety that may be present in the environment. To do so would reduce the likelihood of our survival.